We went to the zoo! It was awesome - this is my friend
Elder Poulson, just taking a selfie with the lions!
(a lot like the zoo in Guatemala)
Hello my lovely family,
Holy cow I cannot believe that Mags is graduated. It is so weird to me. Haha you can definitely tell that you guys are in Utah though. In the pic of Maggie, mom and dad there is a kid in the back that has a shirt that says "Many are called few are chosen". You all look so great. Dad, the hair looks a little more gray, but it looks good. Like a George Clooney good. Wow it is so weird to me all the things that are happening. It's all really exciting though.
Hey yeah I got your package. We are totally going to make the smores in a zone acivity today. So it's been awkwardly warm here. Usuaully I would be freezing my bum off at this time of year, but it's holding out. Hopefully it can hold out a little longer.
This last week has been so amazing. Its been really busy, and we have another really busy week coming up. First things first, Carlos is awesome. He should be baptised this Saturday at 6 de la tarde. Elder Stewart the missionary that was here before me is going to come for the baptism, we are excited to see him. He is going to be such an amazing member. The ward is really excited for his baptism and are planning how to help him and Carmen continue strong.
We had concilio on Friday... it was amazing. I don't know if I told you, but my friend Elder Gallacher is the new assistant and he and his companion are making a lot of changes. We were also able to go to the temple, and wow it was such an amazing session. I don't know if it was because we were with all the leaders in the mission and Pres. and Hna. Cook and Elder and Hna. Burnett, but it was such a spiritual session for me. I also saw like 4 different members that were working in the temple that are from past areas like Carrasco and Ferrocarril. That was super fun to see them. Seriously it was such a great day, and we stayed in Montevideo in a little hotel thing that the church has for members that travel to go to the temple. We were making such a big deal about how clean everything was and especially about the water pressure in the hotel. It was the best shower that I have had in a long time.
As far as this week, today we are having a zone activity. We are going to make pizzas and play volleyball. We actually started making the pizzas, I'm pretty much a pro. I'll send pics.
Then tomorrow Elder Martinez and I and the sister training leaders are giving a zone conference. Then on Friday we have a conference with Pres. and the assistants. Pres is going to be doing interviews as well that day. I'm really excited for this week. It is going to be an excellent week.
I am just really trying to stay focused. It is kind of hard sometimes, but we have so much to do that I don't think it'll be much of a problem. We are also working a lot with the stake. Last week we had a meeting with the stake president. He is such an amazing person. We are now going to be making specific goals with the stake leaders and with the consejo de barrio. It's so exciting seeing all of these changes in Uruguay. the Lord is really hastening his work here, and I feel so blessed to be a part of this.
I love you all more than you will ever know. Have a great week. Don't miss me too much!
Elder England
Coming home from concilio we got first class bus seats -
it was divine!
Just doin a litte cookin!
Making Pizza - I'm pretty much a pro!